$44.95 USD
The Download module allows you to offer downloads to your customers while at the same time securing your files from unauthorized download attempts.
Combined with Squirrelcart's advanced built-in rule system, you can control access to downloads by any criteria you can come up with; based on any combination of customer account, order, date, and computer information.
Some of the many features include:
- Time limited downloads - by minutes, hours, days, or years
- Download access based on items ordered
- Download access based on order status
- Download access based on group membership
- Downloads offered with no strings attached
- Group downloads in sections
- Control access to downloads at the section and download record level
- Download agreements - for issuing license statements or other terms
- Download log - showing the customer name, IP address, user agent, file downloaded, download duration, etc....
- Offer a single download in multiple formats. Example - you sell a program and wish to offer it in both ZIP and GZ formats
- Customize file types to suit your needs - add new ones, change icons, etc...