
Text Options
Price: $25.00
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(5 out of 5 with 1 vote)
Product Description:
This example demonstrates text options, which can be used to gather data from your customers for a particular item. You can make them required if needed, and can also optionally add a charge that will only be applied if the option is filled out. This can be seen for the option Address Line 3 which adds an extra 2.00 to the order when that field is populated.

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Good grief! This is great!
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Charles Drake (NB) - July 23rd 2015
I bought this for my dog Snoopy, and he loved it. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Sed id leo. Integer pulvinar. Mauris scelerisque magna vel turpis. Aenean felis sapien, ultrices nec, lacinia et, adipiscing vel, nibh. Nam nunc nisi, malesuada quis, ornare vitae, dictum vel, eros. Sed eu nulla. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Nam tortor. Cras sit amet tortor ac sapien lobortis fringilla. In sed sapien quis neque [ more]