Glossary Item Box

Squirrelcart v6.1.0

Quantity Based Discounts


Squirrelcart's regular Discounts feature described in Managing Your Store > Discounts  supports very complex discounts. While that feature does allow you to create quantity based discounts, it can be time consuming to use our regular Discounts feature to create quanity based discounts when you need to create a lot of them.

Our Quantity Based Discounts feature (new as of Squirrelcart v2.6.1) is designed to allow you to create quantity based discounts directly on your product records without needing to create a discount record.

With Quantity Based Discounts you can:

- Provide discounts to all customers using as many price levels as you like:

Regular Pricing:

Quantity Price
1 - 10 $10.00
11 - 50 $  9.00
51 or more $  8.00


- Provide those same types of discounts to designated groups, to restrict quantity based discounts to only members of a certain group

Wholesale Group Pricing:

Quantity Price
1 - 10 $  5.00
11 - 50 $  4.50
51 or more $  4.00

Setting up Quantity Based Discounts for Regular Customers

This example will explain how to setup quantity based discounts for your regular customers similar to the table shown above labeled Regular Pricing. This example assumes that the regular price for this product is $10.00.

  1. Open your Products table:
    products menu
  2. Click on the product you wish to edit
  3. Locate the pricing section of the product's record:
  4. Change the select (drop down) field from or more to to:
  5. A new pricing row will appear:
  6. For this example, enter a value of 10 for the 2nd quantity field in the first pricing row (shown above with an insertion cursor inside the field)
  7. Enter a value of 11 in the first quantity field in the second pricing row
  8. Change the select drop down field in the second pricing row to to, and another new row will appear:
  9. Continue to enter pricing in that fashion until you end up with the following:

    Notice how this matches the example at the top of the page:

    Regular Pricing:

    Quantity Price
    1 - 10 $10.00
    11 - 50 $  9.00
    51 or more $  8.00

If you make a mistake or need to remove quantity based pricing, just change the first drop down field in the price section you are working with back to "or more" and the pricing rows below it will be removed.

Setting up Quantity Based Discounts for Group Members

If you wish to give members of a group special pricing, the process is very similar to the one explained above:

  1. Open your Products table:
    products menu
  2. Click on the product you wish to edit
  3. Locate the pricing section of the product's record:
  4. Click the Group Pricing Options button, and select the group(s) you wish to offer special pricing to:
  5. A new group pricing section will appear:
  6. In the new section, follow the same process outlined above in Setting up Quantity Based Discounts for Group Members
  7. This process may be repeated for any number of groups you wish
To remove quantity based pricing for a group, click the red X icon in the uppper right hand corner of that group's pricing section.


How it Works

By default, quantity based discounts are advertised to your customers on a product's detail page. Discounts as described in the two examples above would appear below the "add to cart" button as follows:



Advertising Settings

Settings for quantity based discount advertising are stored in different places depending on who the discount is assigned to.

Advertising for discounts that apply to all customers (listed in the Regular Pricing section of a product's record) is controlled by the Quantity Based Discount Settings fieldset on your Store Settings page.

Advertising for discounts that apply to groups is controlled by the Quantity Based Discount Settings fieldset on that group's record.


You'll find a shorcut link to these fieldsets inside the quantity based discount pricing fieldsets labeled discount settings:


Clicking either of these links will bring you to a fieldset that looks like this:

These settings work exactly the same as they do on regular discount records. See this page for more information.



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