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Cron Script Management
Record #1
Some optional features require enabling a cron job. See our documentation for more info.
Overview Squirrelcart's cron script is named cron.php and is located inside your squirrelcart/ folder. This script is used to perform scheduled operations.
If your web server supports cron jobs You can create a cron job to call this file:

If your web server does not support cron jobs You can load the following URL via a pseudo cron job using services like SetCronJob.com:

Frequency Squirrelcart limits the number of operations for each script iteration, using the Max Operations setting below. Running the cron job a few times a day should be sufficient for most stores. For busy stores, you may wish to run it more often or increase the Max Operations setting.

Cron script last ran at 2024-04-12 14:38:40

Run Now (manually) View Logs
These settings control how the cron script functions when it is called.
* Max Operations:
No messages
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0.199 sec / 55 qrys / 205 funcs / 1.76 MB