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Review Settings
Record #1
Moderators:address book
Email Moderation Updates:
Moderation Email
Fields in this section control the email that is sent to customers when you change the status of a review to "approved" or "rejected".
From Email:
Approved/Rejected Subject:
Pending Subject:
Title Length:
(min) to 
(max) characters up to 127
Review Length:
(min) to 
(max) characters
Review Truncate Length:
Reviews Per Product Page:
Reviewer Name Length:
(min) to 
(max) characters
Reviewer Location Length:
(min) to 
(max) characters
Edits Allowed:
Login Required Message
Message that appears at the top of the login page, explaining why they are being asked to login.
Page Metadata

The fields in this section correspond to the HTML <title /> tag, and the "Description and Keywords" meta tags on review pages.

Product Reviews Page

This controls meta tags for the product reviews page, seen when you click a link to read all the reviews for a product.

You can include data from the product by using any product field name inside braces: {Name}

* Title:
Reviewer Page

This controls meta tags for the reviewer page, seen when you click a reviewer's name to read all their reviews.

You may use the following variables in these fields:

{Total_Reviews} - the total # of reviews written by reviewer
{Total_Reviews_s} - If {Total_Reviews} is more than 1, this is equal to the letter "s".
* Title:
Review Write Page

This controls meta tags for the review write page, seen when you click a link to write a review.

You can include data from the product by using any product field name inside braces: {Name}

* Title:
Review Thanks Page

This controls meta tags for the review thanks page, seen when you successfully submit a review for a product.

You can include data from the product by using any product field name inside braces: {Name}

* Title:
No messages
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