Checking Requirements
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Squirrelcart has some requirements that must be met in order to function properly. Check the list below, and make sure you meet the minimum web server requirements before attempting the installation. You should also make sure that you are familiar with the concepts listed under "Skill Required for Installation". If you are unsure how to check the requirements, ask your web host for assistance. If you are not familiar with the skills listed, we recommend that you have us install your cart for you.


Minimum Web Server Requirements


PHP 4 




Skill Required for Installation 


Basic knowledge of FTP 

- This is needed to upload files and set a few permissions. You will need an FTP client in order to upload the files.


Ability to create a MySQL DB and User 

- This is usually done via your web hosts control panel. 

Access to 1 of the following in order to import initial tables into DB: 

phpMyAdmin application
- shell access to your account (telnet)
- other application that allows you to perform DB queries


Other Requirements


Internet Explorer 5 or higher (for administration section only!) 

CURL and OpenSSL are required for the following: 

UPS OnLineŽ Tools
USPS Web Tools
Some Payment Gateways Methods


GD 1.6.2 or higher is required for advanced graphic features
mCrypt is required for UPS OnLineŽ Tools
Expat (for XML parsing) is required for UPS OnLine® Tools, USPS web tools, and some payment gateways

HTML editor - if you want to do any customizing of Squirrelcart's template files, you will need an HTML editor. A few are listed below for reference:





MS FrontPage




1st Page 2000