Gathering Information
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In order to perform the installation, you will need the following:


1. FTP server address, username and password


- this is usually provided by your web host




2. URL that you would like to use for your cart page. 


The default URL is: You can change the name of your cart page, as long as it ends in ".php". You can also install it in a subdirectory, as in:




3. MySQL Information 


- Hostname of your MySQL server (this is usually 'localhost') 

- MySQL database name 

- MySQL username and password for the database


If you do not have this information, you may be able to create the database and user account via a utility in your web hosting control panel. If you are unsure of the correct MySQL information, ask your web host for assistance.




4. URL to your web host control panel, and the username and password for it


This information is optional, and is only needed if you do not have a MySQL database, username, and password.




5. Secure URL to your cart page (SSL)

While SSL is a recommendation, Squirrelcart itself does not require it to function. For more information about SSL, click here.