Modifying Templates
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Important Note: You should never, under any circumstances, modify any of the template files located in the master theme folder, which is located here: "squirrelcart/themes/squirrelcart". Doing so can make upgrading in the future very difficult!


1. Create a custom theme


If you do not have a custom theme created, you will need to create one in order to modify template files. Follow the instructions in the "Customizing : Themes : Creating a Custom Theme" topic as a guide. If you already have a custom theme created, you can skip this step.



2. Change to your custom theme


In order to see the changes that you are going to make to the template, you will need to be using your custom theme. If you are not already using the theme, change to it using the "Customizing : Themes : Changing Themes" topic.



3. Determine which template file you need to modify


Determine which template file you will be modifying, using the "Template Guide" topic in this section as a reference.



4. Copy template to custom theme folder


Find the template file you wish to modify in the master theme folder - "squirrelcart/themes/squirrelcart". Copy this file to your custom theme folder.



5. Modify template


Make the changes you wish to the template file within your custom theme folder, and test your changes.